Statistics about Water Damage

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Statistics about Water Damage

The accompanying table shows Water Damage claims, by misfortune month, from 2014 through 2015. January and February were the most dynamic months of the year with a normal of 158,087 and 157,136 cases separately. On the other hand, claims were least in November and December. January, 2014 had more claims than whatever other month with 204,581 cases.

Water Damage Claims

Emergency Property Restoration

The accompanying table speaks to the main 10 misfortune states with the biggest joined aggregate Water Damage claims from 2014 through 2015. In 2015, the main 10 misfortune states speak to 56% of the aggregate Water Damage guarantees in that year. From 2014 through 2015, California had an aggregate of 327,648 cases, 45% more than the second most noteworthy condition of Florida which had 225,222. Also, of the main 10 states, Massachusetts saw a 115% increment in Water Damage claims from 2014 through 2015. The Water Damage guarantee aggregates for all states are perceptible in the Appendix

florida water damage claims

The accompanying diagram demonstrates Water Damage claims for the main 10 misfortune states from 2014 through 2015.

water damage claim

( Taking From: 2016 by the National Insurance Crime Bureau )

Reliability – water damage

Some facts about water damage:

  1. 93% of water damage can be prevented
  2. mold grow within 20-24 hours of standing water.
  3. water damage are the #1 cataclysmic event in the United States.
  4. From 2008 to 2012, there was almost $42,000 water & flood damage claims.
  5. From 2003 to 2012, water damage claims arrived at the midpoint of almost $4 billion every year.
  6. Only a couple of crawls of water from a surge can cause a huge number of dollars in harm.
  7. A car can without much of a stretch be diverted by only two feet of floodwater.
  8. 37% of homeowners claims losses from water damage.
  9. There is more than 20,000 Water restoration companies (In Florida we have more than 1000)
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